Wednesday, August 29, 2007

everybody needs a friend

When my daughter was the age of four, we commonly would “play” writing. Once while doing this my daughter asked me how to spell the word, well. After I wrote the word out for her, she went off to continue writing, but when she came back to show me her accomplishment, she had written three Ls in the word. I pointed this out to Katie and after thinking for a moment she said, “That is the L’s friend.”

hear comes santa claus

During Christmas time a kindergarten class was talking about Santa Claus, when Sam piped up that his mom had Santa Claus’ phone number. The teacher replied, “Well, I have Santa Claus’ phone number too.” Sam considered this for a second then said, “Could you give it to me?” “Nooo, Santa told me I couldn’t give it to anyone,” she replied. Resigned Sam said matter of factly, “yeah, that’s what my mom said.”

sometimes it's not a bad thing

While teaching a student who had trouble pronouncing his S’s, this particular little boy became angry with another student and exclaimed, “I’m gonna _MOKE YOU’RE A_ _!!” Realizing he meant to say, I’m gonna smoke your ass, I became grateful for the speech impediment.

Who am I?

While the class was playing in centers, one little boy walked up to me, obviously distressed he said, “Mrs. Parker, Toby called me Dane Brighten!” As his face became more scrunched up by the second, I tried to figure out what was going on. I said, “Dane…isn’t Dane your first name,” “yes,” he answered. “Well,” I continued, “what is your last name?” realizing his frustration came from being called his full name. “Brighten,” Dane sighed still fully alarmed by hearing his own name.

Monday, August 27, 2007

paper snowflakes

The entire Kindergarten class of my fellow teacher, Mrs. Crawford* were lined up at the water fountain for drinks when suddenly one of the girls exclaimed, “he said I can’t cut!” speaking of a boy in line next to her. She continued on still upset, "BUT I can to cut, I’ve been practicing at home with my mom!”

*the actual name of the teacher has been changed

Flying through one ear and out the other

We were learning about Indian tribes in class and took time to focus on the Plains Indians talking about how they lived in tepees and hunted buffalo. When I asked the class later that day, what we had learned, Zeek blurted out, “the Airplane Indians!”